I've been studying about who I am lately. Sometimes this question seems so self-serving. At other times it is a fun adventure. Mostly, I want to find who I am in the Lord so that the work of my hands, my heart, and my mouth will be honoring to him and bring beauty to those around me.
One of my recent "discoveries" about myself is my pleasure in creating something new from something old. I've tried painting, writing, beading, and more. But, now, I am learning that if I can find that old piece of something and look at it for a while it can become something new and beautiful. At least I think so.
I'm enjoying this time of seeking out beauty in the mundane, the old, the ordinary. Today Wee One and I spent our first day of summer break junkin', as my friend April likes to say. We visited a local antique store, made friends with the owners and found some neat things. Wee One doesn't usually like this, but she said, "I LIKE that store Mommy." Aha... high praise indeed. There were so many varied things to look at and think about and discuss and touch and plan for. We even had fun running out in the rain to the buildings out back to look at more "stuff" and singing while we ran. I think we just felt free and it was so fun to be together and not feel we HAD to be home doing work. (We can't clean house because it is undergoing repairs, is full of Young Man's stuff he brought back from Texas, and piles of garage sale items. We literally can't clean the house till next week. Too bad, so sad. NOT!) Anyway, we felt a freedom we've not felt in a while, we were having a mommy daughter date and it was gloriously fun. We ended up grocery shopping and buying ice cream and ice cream cones as a treat later on and we still had fun.
Hopefully I'll get my photos taken and deal with photobucket so I can get the photos posted. Till then you'll just have to picture us running in the rain, singing, and carrying our treasures. Such bliss to find that I am a happy woman who enjoys beauty in the mundane.
Sounds like an excellent adventure;)