Friends and Family... Young Man has sent me a copy of his support letter for his mission trip. Below is an edited copy for you all to consider. Please pass this on to others who may have a heart for MAF or for Africa. I have deleted some of the information for safety reasons, but if you wish to contact me to support Young Man please do so. Otherwise, please join us as we pray for him, his team members, and the MAF pilots they will be serving, along with their families, and the people of Lesotho, Africa.
Hello All,
Currently I am a freshman at LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas, where I am studying missions aviation. Part of our training is to begin taking short term mission trips so we may have a better idea of what is ahead of us upon graduation. Due to some uncertainty of safety issues, the final plans for the trip were delayed until very recently. I now have confirmation that I will be traveling to Lesotho, which is a small country located within the larger country of South Africa. I will be working out of a base operated by MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) There are two main services which MAF provides in Lesotho. They help transport supplies to missionaries and communities as needed, and they also provide services for medical evacuations since travel by roads can be difficult.
I will be departing on May 24th to meet with the rest of the group, and we will travel together for the remainder of the trip. The main costs for the trip are the airline tickets, which will be slightly over $1800. However, I am writing not only to ask for monetary support but more importantly to ask for your prayer support. This will be my first mission trip overseas and I know that without the Lord's strength and guidance this trip will not be a success. To that end I am asking each of you to consider how you might support me. The trip will be approximately two weeks in length, including my travel time to and from Lesotho. My main goal for this trip is not only to serve the MAF base where I will be located, but also to get a feel for the organization and make sure that I know what it will be like in this kind of service.
I will be departing on May 24th to meet with the rest of the group, and we will travel together for the remainder of the trip. The main costs for the trip are the airline tickets, which will be slightly over $1800. However, I am writing not only to ask for monetary support but more importantly to ask for your prayer support. This will be my first mission trip overseas and I know that without the Lord's strength and guidance this trip will not be a success. To that end I am asking each of you to consider how you might support me. The trip will be approximately two weeks in length, including my travel time to and from Lesotho. My main goal for this trip is not only to serve the MAF base where I will be located, but also to get a feel for the organization and make sure that I know what it will be like in this kind of service.
If you are interested in more information, there are several websites which you can visit: The MAF website with information on Lesotho is found at, and a blog written by one of the pilots can be found at the meantime I ask that you prayerfully consider joining my support team, this could be through monetary support, prayer support, or by finding others who may be interested in supporting me. If you have questions or would like to support monetarily, you can contact my mom via the comments on this blog.
Thank you so much for considering this opportunity in furthering the Lord's work.
2 Timothy 2:10-13
10For this reason I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory.
11It is a trustworthy statement: For if we died with Him, we will also live with Him;
12If we endure, we will also reign with Him; If we deny Him, He also will deny us;
13If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.
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So glad you stopped by for a visit. I look forward to reading your ruminations. (I like playing with words!)
Blessings, Kim