Friday, April 23, 2010

~Giving Thanks~

I've had many occasion to give thanks recently:
  • my husband and I celebrated 25 years of marriage
  • Kaitlyn and Andrew had a beautiful baby girl and taught me a lot about a godly marriage in the process
  • Young Man completed his stage check... meaning one more accreditation on his Pilot's License
  • and tonight... Senior Son was inducted into the honor society.
Bear with me as I wipe a tear, praise God and breathe more easily. You see, although Senior Son was a GOOD student in high school, earning a scholarship and entree' into the honor's college... it took him three years to find out that playing computer games 24/7 is NOT the best way to: a) pass your course, b) honor your parents... or at least obey them, nor c) bring glory to God.

as my dear MIL pointed out tonight... God was NOT finished with our son. Not by a long shot. We had to be tough, cut out the financial support, ask him to live elsewhere and pretty much be tough. In the end, God won the day. God had HIS way with our son and that's what I am so excited about.

S.S. moved into Bob's house as one of the six young men hired each year to care for Bob, who has CP. He returned to church, our church, and set up some accountability boundaries. He found a number of paying jobs. He changed majors. He started being INVOLVED in church fellowship, NOT merely Sunday morning attendance, he took responsibility when offered, he studied, he learned about the phrase, "Sorry, not tonight. I have homework." He prayed, he read the Bible and he trusted God.

Tonight our son, who was "invited" to leave his past Alma mater was inducted into the honor society at his present school. Last semester he offered us a gift... his report card. At the last school it would have been full of "F's" , but this time it was a 4.0! Even better than the grades was seeing our son begin to have a vision for his future, to see him search for God and to see him start to mature. Is he all the way there? Nope... God is still working with him. And I'm giving thanks!!

WE love you son!

1 comment:

So glad you stopped by for a visit. I look forward to reading your ruminations. (I like playing with words!)
Blessings, Kim